Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Kasia and I came to my aunt in the summer of 2022. People with whom I lived for 6 years of my life did not secure the balcony in our apartment and fell out of the 6th floor. I have a broken spine, I don't feel in half a kitty, I don't use my back paws and I can't get it myself. My aunt helps in embracing physiological needs, because I don't even know if and when I "want". She practiced with me for many weeks because she wanted to teach me to walk on those paws I don't feel. And you know that it succeeded? It is true that I put my paws a little differently, but I manage - I walk. However, I will never have power over my bladder and I will always be a disabled kitty ...

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